White River Valley Homecoming candidates 2023

Tuesday, January 10, 2023
White River Valley Homecoming will be held on Saturday, January 28 between the JV and varsity games against Clay City (approximately 7 p.m.). Vying for the crowns of king and queen are, front row, from left, seniors Grace Stanley, Mattlyn Hollingsworth, Kylie Palmer, Wesley Sluder and Tray Avila. Not pictured is Payton Ball. Second row, from left, are juniors Brayden Borders, Ande Martin, Laney Davis and Max Hostetter. Vying for the Prince and Princess titles are, third row, from left, sophomores Izzy Avila, AJ Moreno, Jordis Mason and Eli Noel. Back row, from left, are freshmen Trey Greenlee, Zyleigh Abrams, Evelyn Abrams and Remington Beatty.
Courtesy photo

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